
Showing posts from June, 2018
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Mpg2Cut2 - clipping the mpeg files

Rescuing healthy VOB files from an unreadable DVD with Mpg2Cut2 When I talked about transferring videos I mentioned that I will explain how to "rescue" healthy parts of an unreadable DVD. If you haven't converted those readable files using VOB2MPG by skipping the unreadable chapters (files) and converting the rest, then you can now convert the entire DVD. In my specific case I'm trying to fix a professional wedding shoot, which was multiplied and distributed rather unprofessionally. I will rescue whatever can be rescued and I will not clip any of the materials. Whatever was lost I will try to replace it by looking for that particular chapter on someone else's copy of that same wedding video. Using Mpg2Cut2 we can process VOB and MPEG files. Considering I'm processing all video clips in MPEG2 format all I wanted to do in this case was to load all healthy VOB files and convert them as MPEG2, and rescuing parts of the damaged VOB files. This is quite a s